University and Health System Protocol When Presented With a Warrant or Government Subpoena

1. Initial Response – ask the individual presenting the warrant or government subpoena for their contact information, and request permission to photograph their government credentials.

2. Explain Legal Representation – politely inform them that the university is represented by the Office of General Counsel, and that all warrants and government subpoenas must first be reviewed by OGC.

3. Refer the Individual to OGC Without Accepting or Providing Information – Refer the individual to the Office of General Counsel without accepting documents, and/or releasing any documents, records, or other information (even if deemed “directory information” under FERPA). OGC can be reached by phone at (213) 740-7922 or by email at

4. Do not attempt to physically block or interfere with agent – do not attempt to physically block or interfere with the agent in the unlikely event that they refuse to follow your direction.

5. Immediately Contact DPS – use the main DPS phone line 213-740-6000 (24/7) to provide a detailed explanation of the situation, so that DPS can immediately inform the appropriate individuals (SVP for Administration, the Associate Senior VP of Safety and Risk, and OGC).

In re College Athlete NIL Litigation subpoena to the University of Southern California.